Is a series of four drawings inspired by the panspermia theory, which is the concept that life may have originated elsewhere in the universe and reached Earth through space travel, potentially by microorganisms or, instead of living forms, amino acids, sugars, and the molecules required to form RNA. 

How does life begin ? Where do we come from? Is there life somewhere else? 

How much do we really know about all this ? 

Panspermia Universalis plays with the idea of fictional codices that narrate an alternative story through images about the creation of the world and how all its various components play an equal role in it. 

These drawings intend to depict the multiple links between human and non- human, micro and macrocosm, and analog and digital techniques. 

For these drawings, I made an image research and collection in the world of anatomy, human, plant, and animal microbiology, as well as in astronomy, fractal mathematics, geology, and also in archaic symbology from ancient cultures and contemporary indigenous cultures since they also tell alternative stories about our beginnings.

Technically, I also play with the idea of transposition. The collected images are drawn digitally and assembled into a former skeleton. Afterward, I print them and trace them on transparent paper with fine liners. Following that, I draw directly on the paper lines and geometrical forms to finally embroider certain parts of the images.



now @DOM ART, Barcelona